woensdag 7 juli 2010

Paris day 5 July 4th

Last day in Paris :'( It all went by so fast.
We still had a big part of the day to spend in Paris.
First we went to see the Moulin Rouge, Kim really wanted to see that. It was nice to see it sometime in real life. The mill o top of the building is so cute ^^

After that we went to Jardin des Plantes. We walked through the gardens for awhile and visited the tropical green houses.
After that we went to the zoo XD.
After the zoo we visited the skelleton and fossils museum. That was.. interresting. But some things were very scary, like a little kitten in a jar with all his organs pulled out. Yeah that was gross.

But after that, we went back to the hotal, picked up our luggage and went back to the station.
We got back on Rotterdam without any problems.
And that was the end of out trip to Paris. Hehe sorry if I caused a flood on a nyones reader list -_^

0 Sweets: